Monday, May 24, 2010

Shedd Aquarium's baby beluga needs a name

From the Shedd Aquarium website, "Shedd Aquarium’s newest baby beluga whale needs a name! Starting Monday, May 24, Shedd is partnering with ABC 7 and the Daily Herald to offer you the chance to help choose a name for our male calf. Take a look at Shedd Aquarium’s beluga calf blogs, read about his milestones and personality, and then choose from 10 suggested Inuit names. Visit ABC 7’s website to vote. The naming opportunity runs through Sunday, June 6."

Click on the link below to view a dive with the belugas.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Best Friends Helping to Clean up the Gulf Coast Oil Spill

Hair is very efficient at collecting oil out of the air, off surfaces like your skin and out of the water, even petroleum oil.  Products called Hair Mats and Hair Booms are made from hair and fur clipping to help contain oil spills.
Hair Clippings are especially needed now after this terrible oil spill in the Gulf.  As a pet grooming business we have a wonderful opportunity to help.  We will be saving the fur clippings from clean dogs and sending them to volunteers working with Matter of Trust, a nonprofit environmentsl organization. 

Click on the link below to se how the hair boom is made.  So simple yet so effective.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Windy City Welcomes All For Doggies Chicago

Chicago's All For Doggies Daycamp has moved to Best Friends Windy City.  We want to extend our warm welcome to Caitlin, Frank, Jessica, Sharon and Miguel who join the staff at Windy City.  We especially wish to welcome our new four legged friends to their new Daycamp location.

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